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丹麦Unnerud 村庄公共艺术计划 

    在我来丹麦之前,我就开始准备这个远在北欧的公共艺术计划。Pia是邀请我来这⾥的⼀个社会学家。她让我了解到,这栋楼是全村⼈集资购 买下来的⼀栋⾮常有村史意义的⼀栋将近⼀百四⼗年历史的建筑。全村⼗四户⼈家,有⼀半的⼈是⼟⽣⼟长在这⾥的当地⼈,有⼀半是从外 ⾯搬进来的居民。我对北欧社会不太了解 ,第⼀次介⼊当地⽂化就是介⼊了乡村 ,感觉还是相当忐忑的。在我来之前的前⼆周,我就向她要 了关于这个村庄的⼈员名单与基本居民的背景资料,她⾮常详尽,让我⾮常感动。 这是⼀⽚临海的美妙绝仑的村庄,⾦⾊的麦浪⾥夹杂着⽩⾊黄⾊的雏菊,艳丽的罂粟花,蓝⾊的不知名的⼩花。平静如海浪⼀般的微风⼀层 ⼀层袭来,拍打在缓缓变化的麦浪上,让⼈⼼旷神怡。 骑车在这⽚村庄⾥的时候,你会发现这个村庄和其他村庄之间的区别并没有太⼤。这⾥的村庄都是⼩型村庄 ,平均⼀个⼩村庄⾥⼀般只有⼗ ⼏户⼈家,包括他们的⽥野和农场。

因此我想在这⾥设计⼀件公共艺术作品,将Unnerud与其他附近的村庄略微区别开来,⽤艺术作品来提⾼ 这个村庄的辩识度。整件作品由⼗五个部分组成,分别被设计安置在⼗四户⼈家以及8B艺术机构房牌号旁边 的房前门楣附近。总的设计基调 是蓝⾊的底板上镶上代表不同⼈家的不同的翅膀。由于这个村庄是⼀个⽣态极其好的村庄,⽽且直⾯⼤海,因此我把海洋与天空的蓝⾊代⼊ 进来。翅膀元素,⼀直以来是我对⼈类灵魂的⼀个代表性的思考,在古希腊⽂化中,西⽅哲学的核⼼,翅膀是我们失散多年的灵魂寄托体, 因此我在这⾥⽤翅膀来形容不同的⼈,虽然各不相同,但都各有温暖的⽣命⼒。蓝底和⽩⾊的翅膀,在这个村庄,即将成为这个村庄独特于 其他村庄的⼀个标志性的雕塑作品。⽽后在8B,我会做⼀件体量相对⽐较⼤⼀些的门楣作品,就像是让这⼗四户⼈家的作品最终形成⼀件聚 会⼀般,呈现在8B。相信8B正在做的艺术⾏为,就是⽤⽂化艺术来做为凝聚精神的⽅式,从⽽凝聚本地⽂化,以及让本地的居民更为互动, 从⽽更为团结。 

项⽬目实施 计划实施—— 1. 我将会拜访每⼀户居民,并和他们了解⼀下每家⼈⽬前的常住⼈员,并会邀请他们对我的设计进⾏讨论,我们共同得出⼀个理想的设计⽅案。(在 此我需要居民的帮助,以帮我识别不同家庭的不同居民,并能让我合理地安排好每⼀个固定的来在泥稿上签名的时间。) 2. 我会为每⼀个家庭备⼀份档案 ,⾥⾯包括每⼀个房⼦的主门设计 ,以及房⼦的外⽴⾯形象以及门牌号码。 3. 我会在设计好以后把⽅案给他们看,并得出最终⽅案然后进⾏制作 。我们需要和每⼀户⼈家约好⼀个固定的时间,以便于他们能在底板泥稿上及时 写上他们的名字。 4. 烧制后好后我会在他们的帮助下进⾏安装,并与居民在作品前合影。 

                                 Unnerud Village Public Art Project, Denmark


Before I came to Denmark, I started to prepare this public art project in northern Europe. Pia is a sociologist who invited me to come here. She let me know that this building is a building with a history of nearly a hundred and forty-four years that was purchased by the whole village. There are four households in the village, half of them are local people who grew up here, and half of them are residents who have moved in from outside. I don't know much about the Nordic society. The first time I introduced local culture is the introduction of the countryside, and I still feel quite anxious. Two weeks before I came, I asked her for the list of people in this village and the background information of the basic residents. She was very detailed, and I was very touched. This is a wonderful village near the sea, where the wheat waves are mixed with white and yellow daisies, gorgeous poppies, and blue and unknown small flowers. The breeze, calm like ocean waves, struck one layer after another, slapped against the slowly changing waves of wheat, making people feel relaxed and happy. When cycling in this village, you will find that there is not much difference between this village and other villages. The villages here are all small villages. On average, a small village has only a few households, including their wild and farms.

Therefore, I wanted  to design a public art work here to distinguish Unnerud slightly from other nearby villages, and use the art work to improve the recognition of this village. The whole work consists of five parts, which are designed to be placed in the front door lintel next to the house number of the four households and the 8B art institution. The overall design tone is that the blue bottom plate is inlaid with different wings representing different people. Since this village is a very good village, and it is straight to the sea, I replaced the blue color of the sea and the sky. The wing element has always been my representative thinking about human souls. In ancient Greek culture, the core of Western philosophy, wings are our soul sustenance that has been lost for many years, so I am here to use Wings are used to describe different people. Although they are different, they all have warm lives. The blue background and white wings, in this village, will soon become an iconic sculpture of this village unique from other villages. Later in 8B, I will make a relatively larger door lintel work, just like letting the works of the four households finally form a gathering, and present it in 8B. It is believed that the artistic work 8B is doing is to use culture  as a means of cohesive spirit, to condense local culture, and to make local residents more interactive and united.

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